I can't live without aircon due to the weather is so hot and dry recently. But you know what, i'm having steamboat today. :) First time using the free stainless steel pot when i bought induction cooker, first time prepare steamboat at my own house, first time bought the fishball from Jaya Grocer which have a very fishy smell (no next time)...

Usually people having steamboat during cold days but i just lazy to cook tonight so...
1 pork big bone
Cut half of a white radish - cut small
Cut half of a carrots - cut small
4-5 red dates
Some 'kei ji'
Salt to taste
Boil for 2 hours. Done.
I used the left over soup to cook mee for supper. The soup is so sweet and yummy~!
noodle looks nice wo
thanks. it is organic carrots mee
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